Saturday, October 27, 2007

CGS - DIGITAL Democracy

CGS - DIGITAL Democracy: "Welcome to Digital Democracy, a project of the Center for Governmental Studies. This is a mock-up of the functionality of Digital Democracy -- a new, web-based system to encourage communication between citizens and their elected officials. Digital Democracy consists of two parts: a front-end system available to the public through their officials' websites, and a back-end system than enables elected officials to manage the communications. The front end-system, or citizen-interface, is typically housed on an elected official's site. In fact, it looks like the official's site, even though it is housed on the Digital Democracy Servers. On these pages, citizens are encouraged to share their views with candidates, and register for the issues they care about most so that elected officials can keep them informed. The back-end system, or elected official-interface, is housed on the Digital Democracy servers and allows elected officials to log-in securely to manage their constituent communications."

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